penuh keberhasilan bahasa Inggris
- penuh: built up; full; full fledge; heaving full;
- keberhasilan: consummation; success; prosperity; successfulness
- memperoleh keberhasilan: got to first base; gotten to first base
- Today, more than four hundred years later, the University can look back on a history full of successes. Famous scholars and scientists, such as Rudolf Virchow, Carl Siebold, and Franz Brentano researched and taught at Würzburg’s University.
Hari ini, lebih dari empat ratus tahun kemudian, Universitas dapat melihat kembali sejarah penuh keberhasilan. ulama terkenal dan ilmuwan, seperti Rudolf Virchow, Carl Siebold, dan Franz Brentano diteliti dan mengajar di Universitas Würzburg.